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1. Firstly we perform Visual field analysis with the Medmont visual field analyser.

2.  Next we get an idea of your prescription with our electronic autorefractor, this is a computerised form of sight test and gets a pretty accurate measurement in seconds. All this before we enter the testing room. these results are sent electronically through to my room

3. At this point we'll normally have a chat about your reason for coming and any symptoms or history that is relevant

4. Next we follow a normal sight test routine to assess the focusing and coordination of the eyes.

5. If you are over 40 I will now measure the pressure in your eyes with my new Icare tonometer or the slightly older Pulsair air puff tonometer.

6. Finally I take an photo of the back of your eye to confirm everything is normal, this digital image of your retina is stored for future reference.

7. It's now time to sit down and discuss my findings and suggest the best course of action / most suitable spectacle correction if required. 

My fee for a private eye examination is currently £40 unless you are entitled to NHS help in which case it is £20

If you then purchase any specs to the resulting prescription you will get £20 off any specs purchased.

We allow 45 minutes for an eye examination

PD Rees Opticians Now Stella Rees Opticians 2 Main Street Keyworth NG12 5AD   (0115) 94 22 030  whatsapp/text 07756 510077

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